Sarah Pozdol
Name: Sarah Pozdol
Sport: OCR
Podium finishes:
WI, Miller Park Spartan Sprint 1st Place
IL Spartan Super 1st place
IL Spartan Sprint 1st place
GA Spartan Sprint 2nd Place
IL Warrior Dash 2nd Place
NC Spartan Sprint 3rd Place
WI, Miller Park Spartan Sprint 3rd Place
Top Ten finishes:
AZ Spartan Sprint 4th Place
FL Spartan Super 4th Place
AZ Spartan Sprint 5th Place
CT Spartan Sprint 5th Place
Battlefrog Series 6th Place
CA Spartan Super 9th Place
Best strength: Coordination
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 128
Hometown: Portland, OR
Current residence/location: Naperville, IL
Other Sponsors: OCR Gear, Geigerrig, EcoGym Worldwide, Titintough, X-1 Audio, 1st Endurance
1) What is your background?
Softball and Volleyball
2) Why do you use Oral IV?
Staying hydrated is one of the most important factors of my races. ORALIV has allowed me train and race to the best of my ability without cramping or becoming dehydrated.
3) How do you prepare and how do you use Oral IV to help?
I am training in some fashion every day of the week. ORALIV has helped to minimize fatigue while training.
4) What is your favorite WOD?
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 air squats
40 sit-ups
1 mile run
repeat X 5
5) Favorite and least favorite exercise?
Favorite- Bodyweight movements
Least Favorite- Olympic lifting
6) Most memorable event/competition/race?
Hah, I have had a few and all for different reasons but I would have to say the Spartan, Texas Beast in Dec, 2013. I didn’t know what to expect but heard that the weather conditions were frigid. Tossing on my wetsuit, I jumped into the start corral. Within a 1/4 mile, the circulation in my legs had been cut off and I found myself stopping to remove the textile sealskin. Watching the head women distance themselves in no time flat, I started to realize that this was going to turn into a different kind of race. My assumption was confirmed about another half mile into the race when I kicked a cactus and landed two thorns in my big toe. Sometimes you just have to laugh things off. For the next 14 + miles of trails and obstacles, I had some amazing conversations with fellow racers, helped a few cramping athletes and finished off the race with another participant who had landed himself a major knee injury but refused to quit.
It may not have been a race in which I walked with a high ranking but it is definitely one of the most memorable races that I have had since I entering the world of OCR.
7) Advice for newbies to Oral IV?
ORAL IV It is meant to aid in hydration, not replace water or give you a boost of energy. Use it in your training as well as your competitions and really try and take notice to what your body is telling you. I have taken it by itself during competition and added it to water during training and have found that I feel less fatigue and have not had any bouts of muscle cramping.