Joey Patrolia

Joey Patrolia

Name: Joseph N Patrolia III

Sport:  Hockey, Baseball, Football, Soccer, Tennis, Golf

Podium finishes:  4 Spartan Podium finishes.  1 Warrior dash win, 1 Merrell D&D win, 1 Mud guts and Glory win, & 2 5k podiums 9 total

Top Ten finishes:  30

Best strength:  Heavy lifting obstacles

Height:  5 10

Weight: 180

Hometown: Boston, MA

Current residence/location:  New York, NY

Other Sponsors:  Beet Elite, Athletics8


1) What is your background? 

I grew up playing baseball, hockey and football.  I was always an athlete but never a runner.  I grew up in Boston but for the past few years I have gone back and forth between Boca Raton Florida and Boston.

I didn’t start running until late 2012.  I ran my first Spartan Race in Miami and was instantly hooked.  I’ve since run over 50 different mud runs.  I also have done 5k’s, 10k’s, half marathons, and a 50k.  I also competed in the Worlds Toughest Mudder where i completed 50 miles.  I actually enjoy the longer distances but do love stadium races.

2) Why do you use Oral IV?

My first Spartan Podium was in Miami 2013.  I pushed really hard in that race and suffered from dehydration towards the end of the race and after the race.  It was an awful feeling and stuck with me throughout the night.  At that point i needed something that would prevent that from ever happening again.  This is where my relationship with Oral IV began.  I have now been able to run strong from start to finish and wouldn’t even consider running a race without Oral IV.  No matter what the distance.

3) How do you prepare and how do you use Oral IV to help? 

My preparation starts a few days prior to the event.  I try and load up on water to make sure i have extra stores for race day.  This includes atleast one Oral IV per day for atleast 3 days prior to an event.  I also make sure i am eating enough depending on the length of a race.  Its important to take these steps to ensure that you are properly fueled to have your best race.  This also includes rest.  I usually take Friday off completely and take it very easy on Thursday.  I always tell people the best thing you can be on race day is 100% rested.  Nothing that you do a day or two before the race is going to help you on race day.

4) What is youur favorite WOD?

My favorite WOD for strength is my 500 workout

20 push ups

20 sit ups

10 pull ups

for 10 rounds

The key to this workout is switching up the angles.  ex.  for pushups i do a mixture of inlcine, decline, wide, close, military pushups.

For situps i do a misture of bicycle crunches, v ups, russian twists etc & for pull ups i switch the grip up every time .. close to wide, chin ups, etc..

My favorite track workout is a simple one:


I call it my track ladder workout.