Chris Herber
Name: Chris Herber
Sport: OCR, Distance Running, Hockey, Football
Podium Finishes: 3
Top Ten Finishes: 7
Best Strengths: My Legs. I always say race to your strengths. I prefer races with lots of elevation and use the time during obstacles to catch my breath. This also gives me a chance to recover and makes it more likely I will complete the obstacle with no penalty burpees.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 190lb
Hometown: San Clemente, Ca
Current Residence/Location: Aliso Viejo, Ca
Other Sponsors: Athletic8s, The Sox Box, Epic Series
I grew up playing team sports my whole life. After high school I got into running and began doing half and full marathons to challenge myself on an individual level. In the beginning 2013 I was invited to run a Spartan Race. For the next month I trained and had no idea what I was getting into. It was the most mentally and physically taxing thing I had done yet, but I was hooked!
1) Why do you use ORALIV:
Hydration for me was never really important. I was always under the impression that I would never cramp because I trained so hard and always drank water. That all changed during the Spartan Race in Monterey 2014 when I came limping across the finish. I could not bend or straighten my legs because my quads, hamstrings, and calves had all cramped up at one time. I began to look for a way to prevent that from ever happening again. I was introduced to ORALIV by my good friend Victor and since then it has helped me get through some seriously tough races. It's been a huge part of my pre race regiment and they are easy to carry so I always have one or two on me during a race.
2) How do you prepare and how do you use ORALIV to help:
Race day preparation begins for me usually 2 to 3 days out for me, depending on the length of the event. Along with an increase in water and carbohydrates, I will take 2 capsules of ORALIV per day. Come race day I eat a light breakfast and take one capsule of or ORALIV with my pre workout about 45 minutes prior to the race.
3) What is your favorite WOD:
10 rounds:
500 Meter Row
10 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
400 Meter Sprint
10 Pull Ups or 1 Rope Climb
90 sec bucket carry (as recovery)
- This has the perfect mix of muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Similar to what you will experience in a race. Another good one to do that doesn't require as much equipment is: 20/40min of
15 body weight squats
10 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
100 Meter Sprint
4) Favorite and Least Favorite Exercise:
My favorite exercise has to be lunges. One of the best exercises for a runner. My least favorite exercise has to be overhead squat. Poor range of motion in my back and shoulders makes this exercise very difficult.
5) Most Memorable Event/ Competition/ Race:
My most memorable event was my first Spartan Race. It was pouring rain, I did 90 burpees and it took me just over 2 hours and 37 minutes to cover about 8 miles. I remember thinking this is the hardest thing I will ever do. I went back the next year and shaved exactly an hour off my time!
6) Advice to newbies of ORALIV:
Don't forget your ORALIV come race day. When your atop a mountain or crawling through mud and begin to cramp, your going to wish you had it! Remember all the hard work you put in come race day and enjoy it. Win or lose you gave it 100% and that's all you can ask for.