ORAL I.V.’s Team Dominates the Greater Salt Lake Terrain Races.

Milligan ORAL IV

High temps and crazy tough obstacles can amount to disaster for any athletes that don’t have their hydration strategy dialed. Andrew Milligan and Victor Quezada aren’t those athletes—they were well hydrated and well prepared with ORAL I.V. The result? Andrew took first place in the 5K, conquering over 25 obstacles; and Victor dominated the 10K against a field of “fast runners” on “a flat course”.

ORAL I.V. was flowing at the Salt Lake Terrain Race where not only the results were positive, so were the reactions from many of the athletes and some 2,000 spectators that were introduced to ORAL I.V. and our ethos to LIVE LIFE BETTER HYDRATED. Maintaining hydration during exertion is important, but it’s equally important to maintain hydration through daily life for both physical and mental health. Milligan said that attendees were “able to get a better understanding and knowledge of the product and what it provides”. It’s always a huge victory for ORAL I.V. when people truly understand how it works, to aid in keeping their bodies hydrated for whatever lifestyle or activity they’re engaged in—training hard, working hard, or burning that midnight candle (hard).

Andrew explained that he took 2 ORAL I.V.'s prior to the race with a fair amount of water to prep his hydration.  During the race he took another vial about half way to quench his thirst and sustain his performance.  "I was totally focused on the race because my system was properly hydrated and functioning at it's optimum" Andrew stated.  Post race Andrew always takes 2-3 ORAL I.V.'s to recover and rehydrate.  He claims this is the best resource to avoiding muscle pains the next day.

A big congrats and thanks to Andrew and Victor for winning in their respective race—we’re proud to have them wave the ORAL I.V. flag. Way to Stay Hydrated guys! See you first at the finish line again soon.